Monday, November 27, 2006

The Unending Ability of People to Freak Me Out

Ok - I was checking out some of the referrals to my page (I'm not conceited just curious, mkay?!) and one was from a Google search on "alisha keys" "hairy chest". I shit you not. How the blog returned a result for such a search is probably best left uninvestigated, whatever.

What can I say? People have some weird sexual tastes. It's amazing what they are into when protected by the beautiful anonymity provided by liquid crystals and cathode rays. Imagine the poor wife (or husband) who deals with that conversation after 5 years of marriage:

Wife: Hi honey. How was work?
Husband: Pretty good thanks. We managed to close the Jespowitz deal.
Wife: That's great! How would you like to celebrate?
Husband: Well...there is something...
Wife: Yes?
Husband: It's a little kinky...
Wife: (blushes) oooohhh...go on...
Husband: Could you put your hair into corn rows and sit on the piano stool?
Wife: ...Ohhhh, that is a little kinky Knappy...ok!
Husband: And here - could you wear this Austin Powers prop?
MMMMMMM....yeah! That's the spot!

Ok bye.

Friday, November 24, 2006


One more on this friday of joy and goodness.

Barats and Bereta

These guys make me laugh. Almost as much as dismembered children in boxes.

Check out Barats and Bereta for more.

Artix vs The Undead

Disclaimer: Many undead were brutally maimed during the creation of this pilot video.

Hahahaha. I am actually a ten year old.

Check out for more dragons and goodness at the home of the online RPG (role playing game - I'm not so much of a geek that I didn't have to look it up too)

Scissors for Lefty

I first heard this song a couple of months back and have listened to it, on average, at least once a day since then. It is awesome.

I have since spread the good word to a couple of people and been met with mixed reponses.

The most notable negative comment came from Miss Amy E in an SMS: "For the record, i went and checked out that song, and its horrific." Strong words girly. I'm not sure I hold too highly the opinion of someone who, for the record, can't use commas, properly.

Anyway I think it's awesome. Some others don't. Decide for yourself. Whatever.

I love the video too.
The band members of Scissors for Lefty loose themselves in Jose Olivera's 1970's
Horror Film "The Dead the Devil and the Flesh" accomponied by their first major
released single "Ghetto Ways". The overseeing monk will have his way as he
controls the bald man to torment and confuse the man in the blue suit. A dance a
knife and orange juices later, the monk reveals that he is in the band Scissors
for Lefty. It's very very tricky. ...

Ps. They are from San Fran if Chippy Chip Chip is out there and listening.

94.7 km of fun

A quote which exists in the far recesses of my mind goes something like “We always seem in such a hurry to get to our destination, we seldom take care to appreciate the view on the way”. Or something like that. Maybe I just made it up. Whatever; it’s pertinent.

To all the organizers of the 94.7: thanks for a fantastically organized event; it was slick like Magnum.

To Wook for organizing the awesome tight white tops: they were so well done it seems a shame to only bring it out for one occasion; so I’ll wear it on my next visit to The Doors.

To Khets “My Good Friend” Mazibook who said famously “come park at my house, the start is five minutes away”: forty minutes on a bike to the start says fuck you, you aren’t my friend anymore. No wonder I almost failed Accounting 101 under your tutelage.

To the guy who rode the whole way on a half-pipe BMX, with a Hansa man-sized can strapped to it, wearing a pink shirt and a scooter helmet: much respect you fookin’ nutcase.

To the guy who, when I was carrying my bike over my shoulder in search of a tyre-pump, chirped “you’re doing it all wrong”: thanks guy – without you I would still probably be wandering around Hyde Park or the general vicinity.

To the random guy on the side of the road who helped me sort out my flat tyre: you sir, are a gentleman and a scholar; fortunately I know someone who knows someone and will be able to track you down and hook you up with a couple of whatever you are drinking.

To the shaky old ricket whose legs looked like they were about to snap whenever pressure was exerted between his upper body and the pedals: I caught you having a sneaky cheroot half way up the Krugersdorp hill you old fox.

To my fookin bike for being buggered and partially engaging my brakes on that mammoth hill at the halfway point: I really was almost in tears you bastard.

To the rest of Team Munners: nice one lads and lasses. Munners would be the most stoked little human to know she had friends of such caliber – but then we know she already did. Shot for the concern when no one could get hold of us and we were taking it chilled; what you have to realize is that I’m a bit like a cockroach – I will survive most things. Sorry Gumpers and I were too slow to make the photographs.

To Smythers, Chini and Wook: I’m especially proud of you kids.

To Gumpers – my co-conspirator in training and raw athleticism: shot for the companionship bugger. Hope the ass injury from the great vibrator accident of ’01 didn’t hamper you too badly.

To my aching testicles and perineum: sorry lads; I really have no words to describe my grief for you.

To race number UU23154: shot for having my back guy. [ed note: I hang my head in shame].

To Ro’s hot, steaming outdoor shower at the end of it all: you were the perfect date.

To the guy who was playing Scotland the Brave on the baggies at the 10km to go mark: Sith agus Slainte Bha you ripper!

To those who didn’t believe: I am more stubborn than you can possibly imagine.

To getting beaten by all the girls in our team (3 thereof): It’s not about the winning or the losing, but the taking part. Cough. Cough.

To 6 hours 33 minutes and a handful of seconds: --