Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My last made me think: "I wonder if someone has youTubed the Leeuloop?" And yes, someone had. It is a bit of a classic I have to admit. To the uninitiated - the Leeuloop is when a boyo drinks several pints of brandy, pulls off his pants, gives himself a mangina, and then walks like a lion on the bar counter. I never noticed it before, but check out the lion towards the beginning. It is doing the Leeuloop.

Mad Snowmonkeys

Lasse Gjertsen. Currently making quite a name for himself as a director of note on youTube and I think he's made a couple of commercials and the like in his native Country (Norway).

Apparently the producer of this one went to college with Lasse. vonscratch's comment kind of paraphrased what I was going to say:

Are you a singel man? I would like for us to engage in sexual relations maybe?

I just hope there is enough to go around. Mmmm...delicious yes?

I dig how they fit the Scandinavian stereotye so snugly with their dress and love of techno. Crazy kids - gotta love them. We have the Leeuloop though I guess.

Bill Hicks

Ok - I'm back and making a few posts. All youTube stuff obviously because the height of laziness is using other people's stuff and repackaging it as your own. Ha.

Anyway, ladies, gentlemen and Knappy, I give you Bill Hicks. Dry as hell but never afraid to speak his mind. This is a clip of him performing on the Letterman show in 1991. It is frighteningly still all true. Enjoy.