Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Let Wel

Hey kids.

Awesome news... finally got damn ADSL working at the office about 3 months after moving in. Considering we are a software company and supposedly on the cutting edge of all things technological that's pretty pisspoor I guess. Moral of the story? Go elsewhere for your software needs. Actually the real moral is that Telkom really and truly sucks and we need another service provider in this country. But, whatever. They suck. We deal with it. Life goes on. My feet smell like aging brie.

But I promise you more stuff. The great thing about having the net at your fingertips is that I never really have to think and can just post all sorts of other crap that other people have thought up already. Cunning hey? See, there is some journalist in me. Feel free to mail me anything of interest and post comments and what not.

Ok. Awesome. Bye bye.
Love, kisses and connectivity


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