Monday, March 13, 2006

Monday Losers 13/03/2006

It turns out that if you spend the afternoon nervously drinking wine while watching South Africa pull off the most remarkable sporting comeback since last year’s Champions League final you will probably not be as sober as you might imagine. When the first of the Sunday lunch guests leaves to go to church you should probably treat it as a sign. But I didn’t. I was too excited. I went to the Irish pub around the corner – my church. I think my bloody body has got the better of me a little bit. I think it learned to deal with day long drinking binges very well at Rhodes. It completely shuts my mind down and goes into autopilot before I can do too much damage to itself; leaving me to believe I’m relatively sober but actually just end up talking an inordinate amount of tripe. Only this morning, when I woke up did I realise that – wow. I am such a bonehead.

My gloom is only made better by the fact that we stuck it to the Aussie assils and the Gunners beat the Pool for good measure. Going to find some Aussies on IRC and cause some kak. That will make me feel better. Yes…

And shout out to Gumpers for his big day tomorrow. Obviously it can’t be as big as Knaps’ big day because any more celestial bodies that size and the universe would implode, but hopefully it will be pretty big.

Ok bye bye.

Ps. I am a winner. On Friday night I did in fact skateboard into a door.


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