Friday Ramble 30/09/2005
Good afternoon people of the flock. I’m feeling a little bit lost for inspiration for today’s ramble. Sorry about that.
Lets see… big excitement in Jo’burg because of the imminent Rhodes Reunion. It’s for the people who graduated after ’86 so maybe I will find myself a nice thirty-something lady who’s just listed her company on the JSE and wants a youngster to throw money at. The more likely scenario though, goes something like this - Innocent Angelic King Prawn arrives at Knappy’s house; Falls into the clutches of Gump the evil purveyor of smut and alcohol (lawsuit pending); Drinks substantially more than is good for him because having led such a clean life up until then, he knows no better; Mistakes Knappy for a rooibos plant[1] and relieves himself on its roots; Knappy, being the agile fellow that he is, reacts several millennia later; Is dragged, kicking and screaming disgusting allusions to Knappy’s sister to the venue (there is a possibility at this point that his friends get him to drive, but hopefully they know better); Thinks he is the life of the party, but people are mostly just laughing because he is funny. He is convinced that every girl/lady/column of cement is attracted to him; He tries to make several subtle advances[2]; He retreats without shame, because he knows they were all just intimidated because they aren’t in his league; Falls asleep on a table somewhere; Regains memory in the back of someone’s car, spooning a massive pile of vomit; Has losers for the remainder of the weekend. Ahhh, good times.
It was about 30 degrees in the shade yesterday and I saw some pretentious journalist type[3] wearing the standard attire for such people: brown suede or corduroy jacket and bright red scarf. I don’t know if anyone can answer my follow up question: is it not possible to be pretentious in short sleeves? Just a random thought.
As there are still members of this mailing list who have not yet met, I thought I might as well make some introductions.
Figure 1: The obvious resemblance between Knappy and a rooibos plant
Gump (right): cape coloured drunk
Left to right: Greek Legend; The Porn Empire Heiress; Laa-Laa - “you say I was weaned on Malawi gin like it’s a bad thing”.
Top to bottom: Smythers; the Red Planet
Right to Left: Boarders: ladies he’s single and lives with his folks in Bedforview; Chip: go on, just pull in; Nick the Brick; Smythers, jealous in the background.
How did that sneak in?
Back Row: Smythers: always trying to put his handsome face in the photo
Middle: Corne; Red; Vleis; Jan-Hendrick
Front: Twakkie; Some random guy
Is this not the best photo ever?
Now you know.
Later, people of the party.
Also, if you are feeling random, go to
Love and kisses
Yours forever and a day
Be my valentine
That sort of thing
Ps. Embarrassing photos for publication, please.
[1] See Figure 1: The obvious similarities between Knappy and a rooibos plant
[2] Using such famous lines as: “Sssss ngnnnhhh, huh?”, “can I touch it?” or the ever popular “want to touch it?”
[3] This is seriously not a dig at my journalist hippie friends: you guys aren’t pretentious.
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